Thursday, May 22, 2008


Due to Miracles, I snagged a copy of Wii Fit.

I popped by my local Gamestop cause I was waiting for a friend at the Starbux next door. A woman was in there picking up her preorder; she was standing at the register rummaging through her bag for a gift card.

"Hey," I said to the guy. "Would you laugh if I asked if you had an extra copy of that?"

He smiles. "Ordinarily I would, but someone just canceled her pre-order, so we've got one."

The woman smiles and high-fives me. "I'm not even buying this for my kids," she says. "It's for me."

"Yeah," I say. "I figure maybe I'll drop a couple of pounds."

I played for about a half hour and the game is made of painful, which is all us masochists ask from an exercise program. I used to do yoga before I started college--from a video, cause I couldn't afford classes at the time--and it's funny because intellectually I know I used to be able to do these poses but since it's been about seven years, I just dont' have those muscles.

Some of the poses are relatively hard--I live in an attic apartment and there's slanty ceilings on one side and a ceiling fan on the other, which makes some of the arm-raising exercises pretty interesting. It's good to cheat for things like the leg extensions and the tree pose, which my oddly attractive trainer scolded me about ("You're not strong enough for this exercise yet," he says, and it's like, jeez, man, I bet eighth grade graduation pool parties weren't a horror for you, I bet you never clawed at your own chest and stomach because you were so. goddamn. fat. and. ugly. and. you. hated. yourself. Why am I so sure? Because you're made of polygons)--my balance ain't good enough yet to stand on one leg. (Let's not talk about the dreaded "stand still" test.)

I will join the parade of fat folks that the software calls obese, with a BMI in the low 30s--that's what being 5'7 and 200 pounds makes you. I'd *love* to be a sweet 150, but the software won't let me lose any more than 22 pounds. I favor my left side slightly as far as my posture goes--that might make sense because I'm left-handed--and I am so, so goddamn tired.

From a gaming standpoint, while it's a phenomenon, I don't know if there's necessarily anything to say--you can't analyze Wii Fit in the same sense that you can analyze Killer7. It's not so much a game as it is a piece of software. And we could turn that into a larger point--but it's not one I'm interested in making.

There ain't nothin' more to say: everyone's posting fitness diaries and critiques of the BMI system and stuff like that, anything else I'd have to say would be filler. I just wanted to brag about my good fortune, I guess.


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